Eco “unfriendly” Azulik

Eco “unfriendly” Azulik

Heyyyyyy ya’ll!!!! So Double Dose of LA decided to take over Tulum, or better yet…Tulum (and the mosquitos) took over us! Similar to most of our trips, this was planned last minute. We booked everything five days prior, packed our bags and took off! Now ya’ll know we pride ourselves on visiting the “IT” instagrammy places and giving you all real reviews and honest opinions so this entry will be no different! We’re trying out a different blog style, as you’ll notice below, a little shorter and to the point! Let us know how you like it in the comments!

How’d We Get There?

We flew via United Airlines from LAX, with a quick 1hr layover in Houston, then to Cancun. The flights were great; we enjoyed glasses of champagne and slept the majority of the way.


Once we got to Cancun we had a private shuttle van take us the treacherous one hour and thirty minute ride to Tulum. You can book transportation through most resorts or via a travel website such as Expedia (at a cheaper rate). Just make sure when booking a car service that it’s equip with air conditioning because if not that long ride would’ve been HORRIFIC! The humidity in Mexico during the spring/summer is no joke!


Where’d We Stay?

We stayed at AZULIK, one of the most popular SUPER ecofriendly resorts in Tulum, where Wi-Fi is only offered in certain areas of the premises and there are no lights, no pool, and brown beach water!


We stayed in the middle of the jungle (literally) in the Mayan Villa. The Mayan Villa had a mosaic tile bathtub (no shower), an extra large king size bed, and one bed fan (no air conditioning). We spent a few late nights on our beautiful balcony enjoying the cool refreshing breeze, and jacuzzi. Again, there are NO LIGHTS in the villa, so the resort staff comes by right before sunset and lights a few small candles scattered around the room.


​We learned the hard way that when they come to light the candles, LET THEM. We were in the room getting dressed for dinner when they stopped by, we asked them to return in 5mins… and they never did. So that night when we returned from dinner at around midnight and it was pitch black. We were left using our cell phone lights to find the matches and candles.


  Nothing could’ve saved us from the mosquitos that ate us up when we were sleeping or when we went to dinner. The villa had a net over the bed and we slept in long sleeve shirts, sweatpants, and socks… and still got bit up every single night!


Since we were literally in the middle of the jungle we got the pleasure of witnessing a large raccoon moseying his ass from the bushes onto our balcony, mind you… all of our doors/windows were open because it was the only way to survive being in a room with no air conditioning.


AZULIK has 3 restaurants – Cenote, Kin Toh, and Tseen-Ja.

Cenote is where we enjoyed breakfast every morning and spent some nights after dinner. It’s got a casual vibe, with good food, good drinks and the biggest portions of all three restaurants.


Kin Toh is an upscale chic dinner restaurant that you’ve probably seen pictures of, where people are on the nets suspended in the air getting a beautiful view of Tulum. Let me tell you firsthand, those nets hurt!! And sitting/laying/posing on them to get a good picture left marks on my legs lol. The food portions were so small! We each ordered the black truffle fettuccine pasta, which was delicious and another fettuccine pasta to share! We also ordered Hookah for the table, which was ridiculously expensive, $160 USD (we don’t recommend!), and the drinks were mediocre. We were the last ones in the restaurant every night because the resort had nothing else to do! No lounge, no music, no lights, and nothing fun to do after dinner!

Black Truffle Fettuccine Pasta

Black Truffle Fettuccine Pasta

Raspberry Sorbet

Raspberry Sorbet

Tseen-Ja is a Japanese Mexican fusion restaurant that we only ate at once; those portions were smaller than the palm of my hand. The sushi was pretty good as was the salmon and miso cod… just small. To get from Kin Toh to Tseen-Ja you walk across a long wooden bridge centered high in the jungle. It makes for a fun moment and adds to the beautiful scenic ambiance.

Miso Cod

Miso Cod

What’d We Do?

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! Lol. This trip was literally for rest and relaxation and that's exactly what we did, we didn't leave the resort for any reason. Partly because our friend got badly injured due to a cracked tile in her bathtub and could barely walk. We didn’t want to leave her so we spent all of our time relaxing in our villas, taking pictures, and at the brown water beachfront cabana eating fresh guacamole and having margaritas!

Crab Guacamole

Crab Guacamole

Our Fav Bartender (He’s from Cali lol)

Our Fav Bartender (He’s from Cali lol)

Sea Villa

Sea Villa


The resort did offer free yoga classes, ancestral medicine, a wellness spa, and various practices to help with mental peace, serenity, and harmony.

The city of Tulum has some pretty cool attractions that we didn’t get to see such as the Mayan Ruins, beautiful Cenotes, & Pablo Escobar’s Mansion!



What Would We Have Done Differently?

Welllllll…. We would’ve picked a different resort! One with better customer service because let us tell you, the staff was RUDE, unhelpful, and inconsiderate. After our friend was injured due to their negligence, they refused to take the appropriate steps to rectify the situation, ruining any plans we had to venture off the resort.

We would’ve picked a resort with a pool, a shower, air conditioning, and lights! Lol. If you’re like us and would rather see Tulum in a less ecofriendly way we’d suggest you stay at a resort in Cancun, take a day trip to Tulum, site see a bit, then go back to the bigger city for more food options, nightlife, and fun!

Don’t get us wrong, if you want to go somewhere and completely disconnect from civilization, and just take nice pics, AZULIK is the place for you! But that’ll be all you’re doing there.

All in all, Double Dose of LA rates this specific resort a 5/10.

We don’t want to give Tulum as a city a bad review since we didn’t get to fully experience it. We just wouldn’t pick these accommodations again! If you’ve been to Tulum and had a great time or stayed a resort/Airbnb you enjoyed, please drop a comment below!!


Until next time loves!! Happy Traveling! XOxo

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